This code is copied exactly from Chip Pearson's modShellAndWait code.
v2.00 has late binding so it can be used outside of Excel
'v2.00 2013-12-17 15:58
'always export to \\GBMNCWSA050\BPMpublic\VBA Modules\
' xlShellAndWait
' Based on original code in modShellAndWait by Chip Pearson
' See below for original code & info, this version is renamed to prevent
' accidental use in other Office applications (it only works in Excel)
' Additional modules required:
' None
' Additional References required:
' Microsoft Excel Object Library (if not running from Excel)
' External applications required:
' None
' v2.00 late binding
' v1.00aa annotations only
' v1.00a annotations only
' v1.00 original code from source
' Tom Parish +44 161 772 7359
' Performance Measurement Analyst for Business Performance Measurement (GB)
' DHL Global Forwarding (UK) Limited
' Registered in England, registered number 4056042
' Registered Office: Magna House, 18-32 London Road, Staines TW18 4BP
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
' modShellAndWait
' By Chip Pearson,,
' This page on the web site:
' 9-September-2008
' This module contains code for the ShellAndWait function that will Shell to a process
' and wait for that process to end before returning to the caller.
Private Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal hHandle As Long, _
ByVal dwMilliSeconds As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _
ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, _
ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, _
ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Const SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000
Public Enum ShellAndWaitResult
Success = 0
Failure = 1
TimeOut = 2
InvalidParameter = 3
SysWaitAbandoned = 4
UserWaitAbandoned = 5
UserBreak = 6
End Enum
Public Enum ActionOnBreak
IgnoreBreak = 0
AbandonWait = 1
PromptUser = 2
End Enum
Private Const STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_0 As Long = &H80
Private Const STATUS_WAIT_0 As Long = &H0
Private Const WAIT_OBJECT_0 As Long = (STATUS_WAIT_0 + 0)
Private Const WAIT_TIMEOUT As Long = 258&
Private Const WAIT_FAILED As Long = &HFFFFFFFF
Private Const WAIT_INFINITE = -1&
Public Function ShellAndWait(ShellCommand As String, _
TimeOutMs As Long, _
ShellWindowState As VbAppWinStyle, _
BreakKey As ActionOnBreak) As ShellAndWaitResult
'v2.00 2013-12-17 15:58 - late binding for non-Excel Application use
' ShellAndWait
' This function calls Shell and passes to it the command text in ShellCommand. The function
' then waits for TimeOutMs (in milliseconds) to expire.
' Parameters:
' ShellCommand
' is the command text to pass to the Shell function.
' TimeOutMs
' is the number of milliseconds to wait for the shell'd program to wait. If the
' shell'd program terminates before TimeOutMs has expired, the function returns
' ShellAndWaitResult.Success = 0. If TimeOutMs expires before the shell'd program
' terminates, the return value is ShellAndWaitResult.TimeOut = 2.
' ShellWindowState
' is an item in VbAppWinStyle specifying the window state for the shell'd program.
' BreakKey
' is an item in ActionOnBreak indicating how to handle the application's cancel key
' (Ctrl Break). If BreakKey is ActionOnBreak.AbandonWait and the user cancels, the
' wait is abandoned and the result is ShellAndWaitResult.UserWaitAbandoned = 5.
' If BreakKey is ActionOnBreak.IgnoreBreak, the cancel key is ignored. If
' BreakKey is ActionOnBreak.PromptUser, the user is given a ?Continue? message. If the
' user selects "do not continue", the function returns ShellAndWaitResult.UserBreak = 6.
' If the user selects "continue", the wait is continued.
' Return values:
' ShellAndWaitResult.Success = 0
' indicates the the process completed successfully.
' ShellAndWaitResult.Failure = 1
' indicates that the Wait operation failed due to a Windows error.
' ShellAndWaitResult.TimeOut = 2
' indicates that the TimeOutMs interval timed out the Wait.
' ShellAndWaitResult.InvalidParameter = 3
' indicates that an invalid value was passed to the procedure.
' ShellAndWaitResult.SysWaitAbandoned = 4
' indicates that the system abandoned the wait.
' ShellAndWaitResult.UserWaitAbandoned = 5
' indicates that the user abandoned the wait via the cancel key (Ctrl+Break).
' This happens only if BreakKey is set to ActionOnBreak.AbandonWait.
' ShellAndWaitResult.UserBreak = 6
' indicates that the user broke out of the wait after being prompted with
' a ?Continue message. This happens only if BreakKey is set to
' ActionOnBreak.PromptUser.
Dim TaskID As Long
Dim ProcHandle As Long
Dim WaitRes As Long
Dim Ms As Long
Dim MsgRes As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim SaveCancelKey As XlEnableCancelKey 'NB: only works in Excel
Dim ElapsedTime As Long
Dim Quit As Boolean
Const ERR_BREAK_KEY = 18
Dim XLapp As Object 'v2.00
If InStr(Application.Name, "Excel") > 0 Then Set XLapp = Application Else Set XLapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
If Trim(ShellCommand) = vbNullString Then
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.InvalidParameter
Exit Function
End If
If TimeOutMs < 0 Then
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.InvalidParameter
Exit Function
ElseIf TimeOutMs = 0 Then
Ms = TimeOutMs
End If
Select Case BreakKey
Case AbandonWait, IgnoreBreak, PromptUser
' valid
Case Else
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.InvalidParameter
Exit Function
End Select
Select Case ShellWindowState
Case vbHide, vbMaximizedFocus, vbMinimizedFocus, vbMinimizedNoFocus, vbNormalFocus, vbNormalNoFocus
' valid
Case Else
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.InvalidParameter
Exit Function
End Select
On Error Resume Next
TaskID = Shell(ShellCommand, ShellWindowState)
If (Err.Number <> 0) Or (TaskID = 0) Then
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.Failure
Exit Function
End If
ProcHandle = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, False, TaskID)
If ProcHandle = 0 Then
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.Failure
Exit Function
End If
On Error GoTo ErrH:
SaveCancelKey = XLapp.EnableCancelKey
XLapp.EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler
WaitRes = WaitForSingleObject(ProcHandle, DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL)
Do Until WaitRes = WAIT_OBJECT_0
Select Case WaitRes
' Windows abandoned the wait
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.SysWaitAbandoned
Exit Do
' Successful completion
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.Success
Exit Do
' attach failed
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.Success
Exit Do
' Wait timed out. Here, this time out is on DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL.
' See if ElapsedTime is greater than the user specified wait
' time out. If we have exceed that, get out with a TimeOut status.
' Otherwise, reissue as wait and continue.
ElapsedTime = ElapsedTime + DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL
If Ms > 0 Then
' user specified timeout
If ElapsedTime > Ms Then
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.TimeOut
Exit Do
' user defined timeout has not expired.
End If
' infinite wait -- do nothing
End If
' reissue the Wait on ProcHandle
WaitRes = WaitForSingleObject(ProcHandle, DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL)
Case Else
' unknown result, assume failure
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.Failure
Quit = True
End Select
CloseHandle ProcHandle
XLapp.EnableCancelKey = SaveCancelKey
Exit Function
Debug.Print "ErrH: Cancel: " & XLapp.EnableCancelKey
If Err.Number = ERR_BREAK_KEY Then
If BreakKey = ActionOnBreak.AbandonWait Then
CloseHandle ProcHandle
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.UserWaitAbandoned
XLapp.EnableCancelKey = SaveCancelKey
Set XLapp = Nothing
Exit Function
ElseIf BreakKey = ActionOnBreak.IgnoreBreak Then
ElseIf BreakKey = ActionOnBreak.PromptUser Then
MsgRes = MsgBox("User Process Break." & vbCrLf & _
"Continue to wait?", vbYesNo)
If MsgRes = vbNo Then
CloseHandle ProcHandle
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.UserBreak
XLapp.EnableCancelKey = SaveCancelKey
Resume Next
End If
'Debug.Print "Unknown value of 'BreakKey': " & CStr(BreakKey)
CloseHandle ProcHandle
XLapp.EnableCancelKey = SaveCancelKey
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.Failure
End If
' some other error. assume failure
CloseHandle ProcHandle
ShellAndWait = ShellAndWaitResult.Failure
End If
XLapp.EnableCancelKey = SaveCancelKey
Set XLapp = Nothing
End Function
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