Monday, 5 August 2013

VBA Modules: Excel: xlUtils v2.19

Read this for full information on these modules

This module is my real timesaver.  A bunch of Excel functions that I use all the time and as I can't stand repitition, I've automated and streamlined most of what I do.  Too many functions to explain here, but most are simple and self-explanatory.  Some are stolen from other resources, but most I've just thrown together myself because the vanilla "solutions" online weren't very n00b-friendly, or I just couldn't understand why someone would write half a solution and not spend an extra 10 minutes coding it properly.  I've posted a lot of these on various support functions, so if you see my name around the place with some code attached, you'll probably find my suggested code has found its way here, after a bit of tweaking.

Note that this uses Chip Pearson's modKeyState module.

'v2.19 2014-01-16 13:01

' Code is provided without warranty and can be stolen and amended as required.
'   Tom Parish
'   DGF Help Contact: see BPMHelpContact module

' xlUtils
'   various MS Excel wizardry

' Additional modules required:
'   modKeyState

'v2.19 2014-01-16 13:01 - xlU_SafeToQuitExcel: option to quit/close automatically
'v2.18 2013-12-10 17:04 - xlU_SafeToQuitExcel: bugfix in numbers where PERSONAL.XLSB is not open
'   v2.17   xlU_Transfer_Ranges: bugfix
'   v2.16   xlU_Ranges_Change_Scope: bugfix when converting to Workbook
'   v2.15   added xlU_WorkbookIsReadOnly
'   v2.14   added xlU_SafeToQuitExcel
'   v2.13   added xlU_Ranges_Change_Scope
'   v2.12   added xlU_UpdateLinks
'   v2.11   added xlU_Transfer_Ranges
'   v2.10   added xlU_Convert_File
'   v2.09   added xlU_ValidationList
'   v2.08   added xlU_Export_Single_Sheets
'           added xlU_Protect_All_Sheets
'   v2.07   added xlU_BreakLinks
'   v2.06   xlU_Ranges_Set_To_Column_1_Data_Rows: bugfix (private const)
'   v2.05   added xlU_Numeric_To_Text
'           xlU_Clean_Special: removes needless _ from end of string
'           xlU_Clean_Special: bugfix, VB removes '
'           removed xlU_Check_Special (now xlSharePoint.SP_Check_Special)
'           added from xlRanges: xlU_Ranges_Add_Named_After_Column_Headers
'           added from xlRanges: xlU_Ranges_Set_To_Column_1_Data_Rows
'   v2.04   added Private constants
'   v2.03b  added xlU_Pause_for_Timeout (BETA - doesn't work?)
'   v2.02   added xlU_Find_And_Replace_Text
'   v2.01   bugfix xlU_Check_Special; annotations changed
'   v2.00   option to specify wb/ws in various macros
'           improved xlU_Clean_Special code and annotations
'           improved xlU_EmptyFolder warning msgbox
'           improved xlU_Remove_Spaces warning msgbox
'   v1.09   improved xlU_Remove_Spaces
'           Capitalised Macro Names
'           removed Public from Subs and Functions
'           annotations improved
'   v1.08   bugfix in xlU_Check_Special
'           improved xlU_SheetExists
'   v1.07   added xlU_Check_Special
'           added xlU_RemoveAllConnections
'           improved xlU_removespaces
'   v1.06   added xlU_reset_comment_sizes
'   v1.05   xlU_cut_multiple_rows_to_new_location

Option Explicit

Private Const cSpc As String = " "
Private Const cFsl As String = "/"
Private Const cBsl As String = "\"
'Private Const cHyp As String = "-"
'Private Const cAst As String = "*"
'Private Const cPrd As String = "."
'Excel <=2003
Private Const xxls As String = ".xls"   'FileFormat:=56, Office 2003 macro enabled workbook
Private Const xxlt As String = ".xlt"   'FileFormat:=??, Office 2003 macro enabled template
Private Const x2k3 As String = " (2003)" 'added to filename during zip upload, i.e. "Report Name (2003).zip"
'Excel >2003
Private Const xxlx As String = ".xlsx"  'FileFormat:=51, Office 2007/10 workbook
Private Const xxlm As String = ".xlsm"  'FileFormat:=52, Office 2007/10 macro enabled workbook
Private Const xxlb As String = ".xlsb"  'FileFormat:=??, Office 2007/10 binary workbook
Private Const xxtm As String = ".xltm"  'FileFormat:=??, Office 2007/10 macro enabled template
Private Const xcsv As String = ".csv"   'FileFormat:=6, CSV file

Enum xluScopeChangeType
End Enum

Sub xlU_SelectLotsOfSheets(ByVal str As String, Optional ByRef wb As Workbook)
'v2.00 2013-05-22 11:51
'selects all sheets where ws.Name contains str
'or selects all if str = ""

If wb Is Nothing Then Set wb = ActiveWorkbook

Dim blnASU As Boolean
blnASU = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim blnreplace As Boolean, sh As Worksheet
blnreplace = True
For Each sh In wb.Worksheets
    If InStr(1, sh.Name, str) Or str = "" Then
        sh.Select blnreplace
        blnreplace = False
    End If
Next sh

Application.ScreenUpdating = blnASU

End Sub

Sub xlU_ShowAllObjects(Optional ByRef ws As Worksheet)
'v2.00 2013-05-22 11:51
'shows all objects on sheet and sets to Move and Size with cells
'(permits deletion of columns if hidden comments prevent this)

If ws Is Nothing Then Set ws = ActiveSheet

Dim blnASU As Boolean
blnASU = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim s As Shape
On Error Resume Next
For Each s In ws.Shapes
    s.Placement = xlMoveAndSize

Application.ScreenUpdating = blnASU

End Sub

Sub xlU_DeleteAllObjects(Optional ByRef ws As Worksheet)
'v2.00 2013-05-22 11:51

If ws Is Nothing Then Set ws = ActiveSheet

Dim blnASU As Boolean
blnASU = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim s As Shape
On Error Resume Next
For Each s In ws.Shapes

Application.ScreenUpdating = blnASU

End Sub

Sub xlU_ShowAllSheets(Optional ByRef wb As Workbook)
'v2.00 2013-05-22 11:51

If wb Is Nothing Then Set wb = ActiveWorkbook

Dim blnASU As Boolean
blnASU = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim s As Byte
For s = 1 To wb.Sheets.Count
    wb.Sheets(s).Visible = True
Next s

Application.ScreenUpdating = blnASU

End Sub

Function xlU_Remove_Spaces(Optional ByVal str As String) As String
'v2.00 2013-05-22 12:23
'...from END of string only
'works through Selection range if str not specified

Const pp As String = "WARNING: cannot undo this action"
Const tt As String = "xlU_Remove_Spaces"
If MsgBox(pp, vbOKCancel Or vbCritical, tt) = vbCancel Then Exit Function

Dim bln As Boolean
bln = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If str <> vbNullString Then
    Do Until Not Right(str, 1) = " "
        str = Left(str, Len(str) - 1)
    xlU_Remove_Spaces = str
'string not specified, so work on all cells in Selection
    Dim r As Range
    For Each r In Selection.Cells
        Do Until Not Right(r.Value, 1) = " "
            r.Value = Left(r.Value, Len(r) - 1)
    Next r
End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = bln

End Function

Sub xlU_Exit_Design_Mode()
'always exits
'!! running any blank macro will also do this?

With Application.CommandBars("Exit Design Mode").Controls(1)
    If .State = msoButtonDown Then .Execute
End With
End Sub

Sub xlU_Enter_Design_Mode()
'!! sometimes enters, sometimes toggles?

Application.CommandBars("Exit Design Mode").Controls(1).Execute
End Sub

Sub xlU_EmptyFolder(ByVal fdr As String, Optional ByVal AlsoRmDir As Boolean _
    , Optional ByVal DoMsgs As Boolean)
'v2.00 2013-05-22 12:22
'delete all files from specified folder [and remove folder]

Const pp As String = "WARNING: cannot undo this action"
Const tt As String = "xlU_EmptyFolder"
If MsgBox(pp, vbOKCancel Or vbCritical, tt) = vbCancel Then Exit Sub

Const cBsl As String = "\"
Const cFsl As String = "/"
Const cSdS As String = "*.*"
Const emsg As String = "xlU_EmptyFolder failed: path not valid, no slashes"

Dim fn As String, sl As String
If InStr(fdr, cBsl) > 0 Then sl = cBsl
If InStr(fdr, cFsl) > 0 Then sl = cFsl
If sl = vbNullString Then
    If DoMsgs = True Then MsgBox emsg, vbCritical, tt
    Exit Sub
End If

If Right(fdr, 1) <> sl Then fdr = fdr & sl

fn = Dir(fdr & cSdS)
Do While fn <> vbNullString
On Error Resume Next
    Kill fdr & fn
On Error GoTo 0
    fn = Dir
Loop  'all files in folder

If AlsoRmDir = True Then RmDir fdr

End Sub

Function xlU_Clean_Special(ByVal str As String, Optional ByVal CropLength As Boolean = True _
    , Optional ByVal OnlyFilename As Boolean _
    , Optional ByVal OnlyVBObjectName As Boolean) As String
'v2.05 2013-07-25 19:31
'removes invalid special characters from path/file/VBObject name string
' CropLength:=True stops message box warnings and autocrops string to 128 chars
' OnlyFilename:=True also removes slashes \ /
' OnlyVBObjectName:=True also removes slashes, spaces, hyphens, commas, periods

'constants (commented if defined below)
'Const scUS As String = "_"
Const VBNameLength = 35
Const SharePointFileNameLength = 128
'consistency checks are done below for the following constants
Const uniMin As Byte = 0    'first universally forbidden character, MUST BE ZERO
Const uniMax As Byte = 13   'last universally forbidden character, number set according to how many forbidden characters
Const slaFSL As Byte = 14   'first slash, always Fsl, AWAYS uniMax+1
Const slaBSL As Byte = 15   'last slash, always Bsl, AWAYS slaFSL+1
Const vboMin As Byte = 16   'first VBA forbidden character, AWAYS slaBSL+1
Const vboMax As Byte = 22   'last VBA forbidden character, number set according to how many forbidden characters

Dim b As Integer, c As Integer, pp As String
Const tt As String = "ERROR in xlU_Clean_Special"
Dim sc(uniMin To vboMax) As String
sc(uniMin) = "~"     'unimin referenced specifically below
sc(uniMin + 1) = Chr(34) 'Chr(34) = " (quotemark)
sc(uniMin + 2) = "#"
sc(uniMin + 3) = "%"
sc(uniMin + 4) = "&"
sc(uniMin + 5) = "*"
sc(uniMin + 6) = ":"
sc(uniMin + 7) = "<"
sc(uniMin + 8) = ">"
sc(uniMin + 9) = "?"
sc(uniMin + 10) = "{"
sc(uniMin + 11) = "|"
sc(uniMin + 12) = "}"
If uniMin + 13 <> uniMax Then   'consistency check
    pp = "uniMin + 13 <> uniMax"
    MsgBox pp, vbCritical, tt
End If
sc(uniMax) = ".."
'slashes for filenames and VB Object names (NOT paths)
sc(slaFSL) = "/"
sc(slaBSL) = "\"
'hyphen & space & comma & period & brackets & apostrophe for VB Object names
sc(vboMin) = "-"
sc(vboMin + 1) = " "
sc(vboMin + 2) = ","
sc(vboMin + 3) = "."
sc(vboMin + 4) = "("
sc(vboMin + 5) = "'"
If vboMin + 6 <> vboMax Then    'consistency check
    pp = "vboMin + 6 <> vboMax"
    MsgBox pp, vbCritical, tt
End If
sc(vboMax) = ")"

'remove special characters from all
For b = uniMin To uniMax
    str = Replace(str, sc(b), vbNullString)
Next b

'check filename length (length AFTER the LAST slash max 128 chars)
b = InStr(1, str, sc(slaFSL))  'look for fwd slash
If b > 0 Then
    str = Replace(str, sc(slaBSL), sc(slaFSL))  'remove all back slashes
    Do Until b = 0  'until last slash found
        c = b       'c is position of last slash
        b = b + 1                   'next position
        b = InStr(b, str, sc(slaFSL))   'next position
Else  'no fwd slashes
    b = InStr(1, str, sc(slaBSL))  'look for back slash
    If b > 0 Then
        str = Replace(str, sc(slaFSL), sc(slaBSL))  'remove all fwd slashes
        Do Until b = 0  'until last slash found
            c = b       'c is position of last slash
            b = b + 1                   'next position
            b = InStr(b, str, sc(slaBSL))   'next position
    End If
End If
'c is position of last slash, or 0 if no slashes
If Len(str) - c > SharePointFileNameLength Then
    If CropLength = True Then
        str = Left(str, VBNameLength)
        pp = "WARNING: filename > " & SharePointFileNameLength & " chars" & vbLf & vbLf & str
        MsgBox pp, vbCritical, tt
    End If
End If

If OnlyFilename = True Or OnlyVBObjectName = True Then
'swap all slashes for spaces - NOT suitable for paths!
    For b = slaFSL To slaBSL
        c = InStr(str, sc(b))
        Do While c > 0
            str = Left(str, c - 1) & Replace(Right(str, Len(str) - c), sc(b), cSpc)
            c = InStr(str, sc(b))
    Next b
End If

If OnlyVBObjectName = True Then
'swap hyphens & spaces & periods for underscore in VB object name
    Const scUS As String = "_"
    For b = slaFSL To vboMax
        str = Replace(str, sc(b), scUS)
    Next b
'then remove invalid characters from start of string
    Dim c1 As String
    c1 = Left(str, 1)
    Do While c1 = scUS Or c1 = sc(18) Or IsNumeric(c1)
        str = Right(str, Len(str) - 1)
        c1 = Left(str, 1)
'remove double underscore
    Do While InStr(str, scUS & scUS) > 0
        str = Replace(str, scUS & scUS, scUS)
    'check object name length
    If Len(str) > VBNameLength Then
        If CropLength = True Then
            str = Left(str, VBNameLength)
            pp = "WARNING: object name > 35 chars"
            MsgBox pp, vbCritical, tt
        End If
    End If
End If

'remove needless underscores from end of string
Do While Right(str, 1) = scUS
    str = Left(str, Len(str) - 1)

xlU_Clean_Special = str

End Function

Function xlU_SheetExists(ByVal wsname As String _
    , Optional ByRef wb As Workbook) As Boolean
'v1.08 2013-04-12 15:00
'returns TRUE if the sheet exists in the active (or specified) workbook

If wb Is Nothing Then Set wb = ActiveWorkbook

xlU_SheetExists = False
On Error GoTo NoSuchSheet
If Len(wb.Sheets(wsname).Name) > 0 Then
    xlU_SheetExists = True
    Exit Function
End If

End Function

Function xlU_FileFolderExists(ByVal strFullPath As String) As Boolean
'Author       : Ken Puls (
'URL          :
'Macro Purpose: Check if a file or folder exists

    On Error GoTo Skip
    If Not Dir(strFullPath, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then xlU_FileFolderExists = True
    On Error GoTo 0

End Function

Function xlU_GetSpecialFolderNames(Optional ByVal DoDebug As Boolean = True)
'v2.00 2013-05-22 12:06
'examples of legacy code only, better to use modSpecialFolders
'DoDebug = True [default] outputs to Immediate window
'DoDebug = False pops up series of MsgBoxes

Dim objFolders As Object
Set objFolders = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders

Select Case DoDebug
    Case True
        Debug.Print objFolders("desktop")
        Debug.Print objFolders("allusersdesktop")
        Debug.Print objFolders("sendto")
        Debug.Print objFolders("startmenu")
        Debug.Print objFolders("recent")
        Debug.Print objFolders("favorites")
        Debug.Print objFolders("mydocuments")
    Case False
        MsgBox objFolders("desktop")
        MsgBox objFolders("allusersdesktop")
        MsgBox objFolders("sendto")
        MsgBox objFolders("startmenu")
        MsgBox objFolders("recent")
        MsgBox objFolders("favorites")
        MsgBox objFolders("mydocuments")
End Select

End Function

Sub xlU_Reset_Comment_Sizes(Optional ByRef ws As Worksheet _
    , Optional ByVal CmtHeight As Single _
    , Optional ByVal CmtWidth As Single)
'v1.06 2013-03-19 11:18
'resets all comments on ActiveSheet
'NB: superseded by version in Delivery KPI Template v3.13b

If ws Is Nothing Then Set ws = ActiveSheet

Dim c As Comment, ch As Single, cw As Single
If CmtHeight = 0 Then ch = 60 Else ch = CmtHeight
If CmtWidth = 0 Then cw = 100 Else ch = CmtWidth

For Each c In ws.Comments
    c.Shape.Height = ch
    c.Shape.Width = cw
Next c

End Sub

Sub xlU_Cut_Multiple_Rows_to_New_Location(Optional ByVal DeleteEmptyRows As Boolean _
    , Optional ByRef ws As Worksheet)
'v2.00 2013-05-22 13:10

If ws Is Nothing Then Set ws = ActiveSheet

Dim xl As Application
Set xl = Application

Const RangeToCut As String = "temp_range"
MsgBox "Highlight all rows to copy, and then name that range 'temp_range'", vbOKCancel

Dim BlankRow As Integer
BlankRow = CInt(InputBox("Enter a blank row number (normally somewhere below the bottom of the table) where the rows will be pasted"))
If BlankRow = 0 Then BlankRow = ActiveSheet.Columns(1).Rows(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)

xl.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Dim blnASU As Boolean
blnASU = xl.ScreenUpdating
xl.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim rp As Range, rC As Range
On Error GoTo Error_norange
For Each rC In ws.Range(RangeToCut).Rows
On Error GoTo 0
    Set rp = ws.Rows(BlankRow)
    If rp.Cells(1).Value <> "" Then GoTo Error_notblank
    If rC.Cells(1).Value <> "" Then
    'ignores blank rows
        rp.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
xl.CutCopyMode = False
    End If
    'clear [and delete] rc row
    If DeleteEmptyRows = True Then rC.EntireRow.Delete
Next rC
GoTo DoTheRest

    MsgBox "range name " & RangeToCut & " not found"
GoTo DoTheRest

    MsgBox "blank row not blank"
GoTo DoTheRest

xl.ScreenUpdating = blnASU
xl.Calculation = xlCalculationSemiautomatic
End Sub

Sub xlU_RemoveAllConnections(ByRef wb As Workbook)
'v1.07 2013-04-10 10:32
'removes active connections EXCEPT first connection (necessary for pivot functions)

If wb.Connections.Count > 1 Then
Dim i As Integer
For i = 2 To wb.Connections.Count
Next i
'MsgBox wb.Connections.Count
End If

End Sub

Sub xlU_RemoveUnusedConnections(ByRef wb As Workbook)
'v1.08b 2013-04-12 14:46
'removes only inactive connections
MsgBox "xlu_RemoveUnusedConnections doesn't work yet, causes big problems, don't run it"
Exit Sub  '!!

If wb.Connections.Count > 0 Then
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To wb.Connections.Count
    With wb.Connections.Item(i)
        Debug.Print .Name
    End With
Next i
'MsgBox wb.Connections.Count
End If

End Sub

Sub xlU_Find_And_Replace_Text(ByVal OldString As String, ByVal NewString As String _
    , Optional ByRef RangeToFindAndReplace As Range)
'v2.02 2013-06-11 13:18
'bypasses sheet protection restrictions on normal text-only f&r

Dim s As String, spre As String, ssuf As String, c As Range, b As Byte
If RangeToFindAndReplace Is Nothing Then Set RangeToFindAndReplace = Selection
For Each c In RangeToFindAndReplace
    s = c.Value
    b = InStr(s, OldString)
    If b > 0 Then
        spre = Left(s, b - 1)
        ssuf = Mid(s, b + Len(OldString), Len(s))
        s = spre & NewString & ssuf
        c.Value = s
    End If
Next c

End Sub

Function xlU_Pause_for_Timeout(Optional ByVal TimeOutInSecs As Long) As Boolean
'v2.03b 2013-07-10 16:58
'reports False if Shift is held down
'...except it doesn't work!??

Dim t As Long

With Application

    For t = 0 To TimeOutInSecs - 1
        .StatusBar = "HOLD SHIFT TO BYPASS | updating in " & TimeOutInSecs - t & "..."
        .Wait Now() + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
        If modKeyState.IsShiftKeyDown = True Then
            xlU_Pause_for_Timeout = False
            .StatusBar = "UPDATE CANCELLED BY USER"
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next t

    .StatusBar = False

End With

xlU_Pause_for_Timeout = True

End Function

Sub xlU_Ranges_Set_To_Column_1_Data_Rows()
'v2.06 2013-07-26 16:40
'Adjusts length of all named ranges on query sheets to match length of data table in column 1

'range names to ignore (can be changed here, or more added in code below):
Const ex1 As String = "_FilterDatabase"
Const ex2 As String = "v_"

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

Dim r As Range, nm As Name, n As String, wn As String, rw() As Long, wmax As Byte, c As Long, qt As QueryTable
wmax = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
'one rw per sheet
ReDim rw(wmax) As Long

For Each nm In ActiveWorkbook.Names
    n = nm.Name
    wn = Mid(nm, 2, Len(nm))
    wn = Left(wn, InStr(wn, "!") - 1)
    wn = Replace(wn, "'", "")
    For Each qt In ThisWorkbook.Sheets(wn).QueryTables
    'count rows in column 1 for this sheet and adjust ranges to cover
        c = Sheets(wn).Columns(1).EntireColumn.Cells(Sheets(wn).Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        rw(Sheets(wn).Index) = c
        If InStr(nm, "REF!") > 0 Then
        'range reference error, delete
        ElseIf InStr(nm.Name, ex1) > 0 Then
        'query reference, ignore it
        ElseIf InStr(nm.Name, ex2) > 0 Then
        'validation table, ignore it
        ElseIf Range(nm).Rows.Count <> c Then
        'range is wrong length
        'find length of data set from Column 1
            Set r = Range(nm).EntireColumn.Rows(rw(Sheets(wn).Index))
            Set r = Range(r, r.EntireColumn.Cells(1))
        're-add range name
            ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add n, r
        End If
    Next qt
Next nm

End Sub

Sub xlU_Ranges_Add_Named_After_Column_Headers(Optional ByRef xlU_Worksheet As Worksheet _
    , Optional IncludeHeaders As Boolean = True)
'v2.05 2013-07-25 19:29
'Adds range names according to column headers and length of data table in column 1

Dim rHeader As Range, rColumn As Range, r As Long, rName As String
If xlU_Worksheet Is Nothing Then Set xlU_Worksheet = ActiveSheet
With xlU_Worksheet
'count rows in column 1
r = Application.CountA(.Columns(1).EntireColumn)
If .Columns(1).Cells(.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row <> r Then
    MsgBox "Column 1 must have continuous data otherwise counts fail", vbCritical, "Error in xlU_Add_Ranges_Named_After_Column_Headers"
    Exit Sub
End If
Const rOffset As Byte = 1
If IncludeHeaders = False Then r = r - rOffset 'excludes header

For Each rHeader In .Rows(1).Cells
    If rHeader.Value = "" And rHeader.Offset(0, 1).Value = "" Then Exit Sub
    If IncludeHeaders = False Then
        Set rColumn = .Range(rHeader.Cells.Offset(1), rHeader.Cells.Offset(r))
        Set rColumn = .Range(rHeader.Cells(1), rHeader.Cells(r))
    End If
    rName = xlU_Clean_Special(.Name & "_" & rHeader.Value, True, , True)
    ThisWorkbook.Names.Add rName, rColumn
Next rHeader
End With

End Sub

Sub xlU_Numeric_To_Text(ByRef xlU_Range As Range)
'v2.05 2013-07-25 19:46
'NB: Excel may convert to numeric before this point, e.g. when entering 07 will convert to 7 and thus '7

Dim s As String, r As Range
Const cApo As String = "'"
For Each r In xlU_Range.Cells
    If IsNumeric(r.Value) Then
        s = cApo & r.Text
        r.Value = s
    End If
Next r

End Sub

Function xlU_BreakLinks(ByRef wb As Workbook) As Boolean
'v2.07 2013-07-31 14:06
'reports False if no Links to break or any other error, otherwise True

xlU_BreakLinks = True
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim lnk As Variant, i As Integer
With wb
    lnk = .LinkSources(xlLinkTypeExcelLinks)
On Error GoTo NothingToBreak
    For i = 1 To UBound(lnk)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
        .BreakLink lnk(i), xlLinkTypeExcelLinks
    Next i
End With
Exit Function

xlU_BreakLinks = False
On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Sub xlU_Export_Single_Sheets(ByVal OutputPath As String _
    , ByVal OutputXLSX As Boolean, ByVal OutputXLS As Boolean, ByVal OutputCSV As Boolean _
    , Optional ByVal xlU_Password As String)
'v2.08 2013-07-31 16:16
'saves a copy of each sheet as a separate lookup file (XLSX and/or XLS and/or CSV)
'filename for each file is [ThisWorkbook.Name & " " & Sheet.Name].[xlsx|xls|csv]

Const v7 As Byte = 12
If Val(Application.Version) < v7 Then
    MsgBox "Only works in Excel 2007 or later", vbCritical, "xlU_Export_Single_Sheets"
    Exit Sub
End If

xlU_Protect_All_Sheets True, xlU_Password

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Const cDDD As String = "..."
Const cSep As String = "  |  "
Const cSpc As String = " "
Const cBsl As String = "\"
Const cFsl As String = "/"
Const cURL As String = "http:"
Dim wb As Workbook, fn As String, shn As String, rw As Integer, f As Byte, p As Byte

'original filename
fn = Replace(Replace(ThisWorkbook.Name, ".xlsm", ""), " (master)", "")  'no extension, remove " (master)"

'fix potential path errors
'convert OutputPath to UNC (URL doesn't work) and force connection
OutputPath = Replace(OutputPath, cFsl, cBsl)
OutputPath = Replace(OutputPath, cURL, "")
If Right(OutputPath, 1) <> cBsl Then OutputPath = OutputPath & cBsl
Shell "explorer " & OutputPath, vbHide

Dim aSBorig, aSBbase As String, aSBdft As String
aSBorig = Application.StatusBar
aSBdft = fn
aSBbase = aSBdft & cSep & "Saving separate single-sheet files"
Application.StatusBar = aSBbase

Dim s As Worksheet
For Each s In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
    With s
        Application.StatusBar = aSBbase & cSep & .Name & cDDD
On Error Resume Next
        .Unprotect xlU_Password
On Error GoTo 0
        shn = .Name
        .Copy  'to new wb
        Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
On Error Resume Next
        .Protect xlU_Password
On Error GoTo 0
    End With
    With wb
        xlU_BreakLinks wb
        With .Sheets(1)
            rw = Application.CountA(.Columns(1)) + 1
            .Rows(rw & ":" & .Rows.Count).Delete
            .Protect xlU_Password
        End With
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        If OutputXLSX = True Then .SaveAs FileName:=OutputPath & fn & cSpc & shn & ".xlsx", FileFormat:=51 'Logis Station Groups Logis Air Station Codes.xlsx
        If OutputXLS = True Then .SaveAs FileName:=OutputPath & fn & cSpc & shn & ".xls", FileFormat:=56  'Logis Station Groups Logis Air Station Codes.xls
        If OutputCSV = True Then .SaveAs FileName:=OutputPath & fn & cSpc & shn & ".csv", FileFormat:=6   'Logis Station Groups Logis Air Station Codes.csv
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End With
    Set wb = Nothing
Next s

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.StatusBar = aSBorig

xlU_Protect_All_Sheets True, xlU_Password

End Sub

Sub xlU_Protect_All_Sheets(ByVal DoProtect As Boolean, Optional xlU_Password As String)
'v2.08 2013-07-31 15:51

On Error Resume Next
Dim s As Worksheet
For Each s In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
With s
    If DoProtect = True Then .Protect xlU_Password Else .Unprotect xlU_Password
End With
Next s
On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

Function xlU_TransferValidationList(ByRef vSource As Range, ByRef vTarget As Range) As Boolean
'v2.09 2013-08-02 13:05
'returns True if transferred OK
'max 1 cell in vTarget and vSource
'could easily be adapted to copy validations across a whole row from a source row
'    With Target.EntireRow
'        For i = 1 To .Cells.Count  'NB: this is very inefficient! Limit this to e.g. columns with headers
'            xlU_TransferValidationList .Cells(i), Domains.Rows(2).Cells(i)
'        Next i
'    End With

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim c As Byte
c = vSource.Cells.Count
If c > 1 Then GoTo ErrorHandler
With vTarget.Validation
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    .Add Type:=vSource.Validation.Type, AlertStyle:=vSource.Validation.AlertStyle, Operator:= _
        vSource.Validation.Operator, Formula1:=vSource.Validation.Formula1
    .IgnoreBlank = vSource.Validation.IgnoreBlank
    .InCellDropdown = vSource.Validation.InCellDropdown
    .InputTitle = vSource.Validation.InputTitle
    .InputMessage = vSource.Validation.InputMessage
    .ErrorTitle = vSource.Validation.ErrorTitle
    .ErrorMessage = vSource.Validation.ErrorMessage
    .ShowInput = vSource.Validation.ShowInput
    .ShowError = vSource.Validation.ShowError
End With
xlU_TransferValidationList = True
End Function

Function xlU_Transfer_Ranges(ByRef srcws As Worksheet, tgtws As Worksheet)
'v2.17 2013-12-03 17:33
'takes all worksheet ranges from src ws and replicates on tgt ws

On Error Resume Next
Dim rng As Range, rn As String, nm As Name
For Each nm In srcws.Names
    tgtws.Names.Add Replace(nm.Name, srcws.Name, tgtws.Name), Replace(nm.Value, srcws.Name, tgtws.Name)
Next nm

End Function

Function xlU_Convert_File(ByRef PathFile As String _
    , ByVal FileFormat As XlFileFormat, ByVal SourceIsXML As Boolean _
    , Optional ByVal DeleteOriginal As Boolean) As Boolean
'v2.10 2013-08-08 14:40
'opens any compatible format file (must be specified if source in XML format)
'saves as chosen output file format
'will output to CSV, XLS, XLSX, XLSM (add more types below if required)

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim tempPathFile As String, newPathFile As String, x1 As Byte, x2 As Byte

newPathFile = PathFile
x1 = InStr(newPathFile, ".")
x2 = x1
Do While x2 > 0
    x1 = x2
    x2 = InStr(x2 + 1, newPathFile, ".")
If x1 > 0 Then newPathFile = Left(newPathFile, x1 - 1)  'removes extension

tempPathFile = newPathFile & ".temp"
If Dir(tempPathFile) <> "" Then Kill tempPathFile  'target already exists
FileCopy PathFile, tempPathFile  'copy to target

If FileFormat = 6 Then
    newPathFile = newPathFile & xcsv
ElseIf FileFormat = 56 Then
    newPathFile = newPathFile & xxls
ElseIf FileFormat = 51 Then
    newPathFile = newPathFile & xxlx
ElseIf FileFormat = 52 Then
    newPathFile = newPathFile & xxlm
    MsgBox "FileFormat " & FileFormat & " not allowed, but can add to macro code if required", vbCritical, "xlU_Convert_File"
End If

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
If SourceIsXML Then
    Workbooks.OpenXML FileName:=tempPathFile, LoadOption:=xlXmlLoadImportToList
    Workbooks.Open tempPathFile
End If
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs newPathFile, FileFormat
ActiveWorkbook.Close False
If DeleteOriginal = True Then Kill PathFile
Kill tempPathFile  'doesn't delete temp file if there's an error
xlU_Convert_File = True
Exit Function

End Function

Function xlU_UpdateLinks(Optional wb As Workbook) As Boolean
'v2.12 2013-08-27 11:36

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
xlU_UpdateLinks = True

If wb Is Nothing Then Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Dim Links As Variant
Dim i As Integer
With wb
    Links = .LinkSources(xlExcelLinks)
    If Not IsEmpty(Links) Then
        For i = 1 To UBound(Links)
            .UpdateLink Links(i), xlLinkTypeExcelLinks
        Next i
    End If
End With

Exit Function

xlU_UpdateLinks = False
End Function

Function xlU_Ranges_Change_Scope(ByVal xluScopeChange As xluScopeChangeType _
    , ByVal xluWorksheet As Worksheet, ByVal xluWorkbook As Workbook _
    , Optional ByVal xluDeleteOriginal As Boolean = False) As Boolean
'v2.16 2013-12-03 09:59
'changes scope of Range Names from Worksheet to Workbook, or vice versa
'only creates Name in xluWorksheet if Name refers to xluWorksheet, but can easily run for each sheet in turn

On Error Resume Next

Dim nm As Name, newWBname As String
If xluScopeChange = xluWorksheetToWorkbook Then
    For Each nm In xluWorksheet.Names
        If InStr(nm.Value, "#REF!") = 0 Then
            newWBname = Mid(nm.Name, InStr(nm.Name, "!") + 1, Len(nm.Name)) 'v2.16
            xluWorkbook.Names.Add newWBname, nm.Value                       'v2.16
            If xluDeleteOriginal Then nm.Delete
        End If
    Next nm
ElseIf xluScopeChange = xluWorkbookToWorksheet Then
    For Each nm In xluWorkbook.Names
        If InStr(nm.Value, xluWorksheet.Name) > 0 And InStr(nm.Value, "#REF!") = 0 Then
            xluWorksheet.Names.Add nm.Name, nm.Value
            If xluDeleteOriginal Then nm.Delete
        End If
    Next nm

End If

End Function

Function xlU_SafeToQuitExcel(Optional ByVal QuitIfSafeOtherwiseCloseThisWorkbookWithoutSaving As Boolean) As Boolean
'v2.19 2014-01-16 13:01 - option to quit/close automatically
'v2.18 2013-12-10 17:04 - bugfix in numbers where PERSONAL.XLSB is not open
'v2.14 2013-10-30 12:41
'True if all open Workbooks (including this one but excluding PERSONAL.XLSB) are saved
'False if any workbooks need saving (not safe to quit)

    Dim wb As Workbook, t As Integer
    t = 0
    For Each wb In Workbooks
        If UCase(wb.Name) <> "PERSONAL.XLSB" And wb.Saved <> True Then t = t + 1
    Next wb
    If t <= 1 Then xlU_SafeToQuitExcel = True
    If QuitIfSafeOtherwiseCloseThisWorkbookWithoutSaving Then
    'NB: if necessary, workbook should be saved prior to running this function
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        If xlU_SafeToQuitExcel Then Application.Quit
        ThisWorkbook.Close False
    End If

End Function

Function xlU_WorkbookIsReadOnly(Optional wb As Workbook) As Boolean
'v2.15 2013-10-30 16:12
'Workbook.ReadOnly works for local files, but isn't reliable with SharePoint files

If wb Is Nothing Then
    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
End If

If InStr(1, Application.Caption, "Read-Only") > 1 _
Or InStr(1, ActiveWindow.Caption, "Read-Only") > 1 _
Then xlU_WorkbookIsReadOnly = True

End Function

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